Supported by Waltham Forest

Pupil Premium - What Do Governors Need to Know?


Tue, 05 Dec 2017 19:00 - 21:00


Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 4JF


Governor Services

Course Code:



Governors will understand:
The key points about pupil premium funding including who is eligible and what information the school is required to publish online;
The information about how schools will be held accountable for deployment of the Pupil Premium funding including the role of governors;
And consider the range of ways that Pupil Premium funding can be used successfully to tackle gaps in attainment and support pupils from low-income families and other target groups.


The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. It is additional funding to help schools close the attainment gap between children from low-income families, identified by Free School Meals (FSM), Children Looked After (CLA) and the children of armed forces personnel.
Governors are expected to play a full part in marking decisions about Pupil Premium spending, as well as asking challenging questions and to monitor the effectiveness of expenditure in closing the gaps in achievement of vulnerable learners and their peers.


This two hour session will:
• Explain key points about Pupil Premium Funding including who is eligible and what information the school is required to publish online;
• Provide information about how schools will be held accountable for deployment of the Pupil Premium funding, including the role of governors;
• Consider the range of ways that Pupil Premium funding can be used successfully.

Booking information:

Bookings will be taken through the WF Online system and will continue to be taken by the normal channels.

Bookings can be made by phone or email or at your Governing Body meeting.
Should you require further information please contact
Governor Services on 020 8496 6351 or Email:


Governors with responsibility for Pupil Premium spending, governors new to the role
