Supported by Waltham Forest

Early Years System Support (EYSS) Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) visit


Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:00 - 12:00


At Your School/Setting


Early Years, Childcare & Business Development Service

Course Code:



Setting leaders will
• be empowered to take responsibility for their own improvement journey, with the support of an SLE alongside them
• know how to use the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework as a tool for evaluating their own provision
• grow in confidence in their self-evaluation in readiness for Ofsted and to support ongoing improvement and development
• welcome support from SLEs to give them time and opportunity to dialogue, reflect and evaluate their provision’s teaching and learning
• be enabled to develop their setting’s teaching and learning through this toolkit process and join a partnership group to continue to collaborate and improve pedagogy in their setting


Early Years System Support has designed as a training resource to provoke and support reflective dialogue and collaboration between early years Specialist Leaders of Education (SLEs) and settings leaders, around teaching and learning for nursery children, with the primary aim to enable leaders and their provisions to improve the quality of their provision, gaining successful good and outstanding Ofsted inspections through their strong and confident self-evaluation and development planning.
This reflective toolkit is designed to support a constructive, professionally collaborative process between the SLE and the setting (EYFS) leader, using this toolkit as a training tool during a 3-hour dialogue and learning walk in the provision.


Meet and discuss your setting with a specialist leader of education. Co-produce some key actions around teaching and learning.

Booking information:

Maximum of 1booking per setting
Visit will be held at the school/setting


Nursery lead or manager in Schools/Settings with 3 and 4 year old children on roll. .
