Childminder Drop-in
Course Code:
Waltham Forest Council is providing childminder drop-ins in three areas around the borough.
This drop-in will provide childminders the opportunity to come together with their children to enjoy fun activities linked to their children’s learning and development and strengthen friendships and links between other local childminders.
A childminding development worker from the Council will be running the session which will give all childminders regular access to support they may need.
There is no charge for FEEE-registered minders but there is a small fee for non-FEEE-registered minders of £1 for their first child and 50p for each additional child. If you would like to know more about registering to offer the FEEE please visit The Hub -
On top of this we will be inviting professionals to attend these sessions. We recognise that childminders may sometimes find it hard to access services to support the needs of the children they care for. Therefore we will be inviting professionals such as Area SENCOs (Special Educational Needs Coordinators), Curriculum leaders, Speech and language therapists, Health visitors, Safeguarding advisors, Early Help advisors and FEEE officers to attend some of these drop-ins. A schedule of these visits will be available shortly.
Booking information:
No need to book - just drop-in.