Supported by Waltham Forest

Supervision skills for Safeguarding Leads in Settings


Wed, 08 Jan 2020 09:30 - 16:30


Waltham Forest Town Hall (CR3 / Committee Room 3), Forest Road, , Walthamstow, E17 4JF


Safeguarding in Education

Course Code:



A practical course geared at DSLs and senior safeguarding leads, to enable key individuals in setting to support a culture of learning, development and resilience. The course will cover the principles of supervision as well as give delegates an opportunity to practise their skills.

Following the course, each delegate is encouraged to book one to three supervision sessions with the SIE team in order to support their understanding of the process.


To support schools & settings to develop greater resilience, and to support learning and reflective safeguarding practice.
To ensure that staff are given the emotional, practical and professional support to carry out their safeguarding duties.


Learn the foundations of supervision practice.
Experience supervision in practice and explore the possible applications in one’s own setting.
Be able to return to settings able to start providing safeguarding supervision to key staff on an ongoing and/or ad hoc basis.
