Supported by Waltham Forest

Early Years Business Conference July 2018 *Repeated Conference*


Sat, 14 Jul 2018 09:00 - 16:00


City Gates Church 25 – 29 Clements Road, Ilford, IG1 1BH


Education Business Support, The Key and SIMS

Course Code:



A whole day to include presentations and workshops.

During the morning session there will be presentations including:
1. The Early Years Single Funding Formula and hourly payment rates for 2018-19
2. Information on the take up of places for 2yr old, 30 hrs and EYPP
3. The delivery models in place and the preferred delivery models for 2yr old and 30hr places
4. Information on changes to eligibility checking for 2YO’s, 30hrs and EYPP
5. Information, Advice and training that will be provided by the LA
6. System Leadership

There will also be a range of workshops which you can attend in the afternoon on areas such as:
1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
2. The new Pupil Register system on the EY Provider Hub for establishing eligibility and validating codes for 2YO’s, 30hrs & EYPP
3. Completion of Parental declaration forms and invoice preparation
4. Using the Hub and Waltham Forest Directory to support your setting
5. Managing Safeguarding and Health & Safety risks in your setting


This full day conference will provide information, guidance and forward planning opportunities on the business aspects required to deliver a high quality Early Years provision. It will also provide opportunities for professionals to pick up best practice business processes from across sectors.

**Lunch and refreshments will be provided**

Full agenda details will be provided at a later date via the Early Years Hub newsletter.


The conference will provide attendees with up to date knowledge on FEEE financial procedures, Data Protection, Using Digital platforms to support delivery of quality early years provision, managing safeguarding and health and safety. Delegates will have a opportunity to network and share ideas with other Early Years colleagues.

Over 96% of attendees at the May 4th 2018 conference said the conference improved their knowledge. Some of the feedback included:

'A well organised and informative day'

'The workshops gave me awareness about how to support my setting'

'Would be happy to sign post other office staff to a repeat session to up skill them too!'

GDPR ‘workshop was hands on and exercise beneficial and practical.’

‘Most of the information which can be put towards my action plan for the nursery.’

‘The ease of validating codes with the new system. How easy the pupil register is to use.’

‘Clear precise option to provide correct information to complete parental declaration forms and invoices to parents.’

‘Gave me more awareness about how to use the Hub/directory to support my setting.’

‘Very supportive and nice to meet new members of the LADO team. Risk assessment section very productive and informative.’

Booking information:

Each delegate will be able to attend a maximum of 2 workshops. We recommend that where possible 2 delegates from each provider attend to ensure that each setting is able to attend at least 4 of the 5 available workshops.

Maximum of 2 delegates per school/setting

This Conference is free to attend

This July conference is a repeat of the conference on the 4th May. Please DO NOT book to attend this conference if delegates from your school/setting attended the conference on 4th May 2018.

If you have any dietary requirements, please email Temi by Tuesday 29th June.

For general booking queries and information, please contact Temilade Adeniji at or phone 020 8496 2909.


Aimed at for Business Owners, Headteachers, Finance Managers and Early Years Leads in Schools, PVI settings and Childminders offering the Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) to 2,3 and 4 year olds
