@TheHubWF at #HealthyStreets Lucy Saunders on wellbeing: most children in London don't play out on the streets, mos…
RT @Malcolm_Reeve: Thank you @maximisingTAs et al for fab resources on TAs inc.2 new ones from @LLSinfo @WholeSchoolSEND Link is here: http…
@SENDsuccessNews is running a number of workshops this autumn to help you support pupils with SEND. Book on now!
RT @MarcWithersey: Exciting opportunity for Y1 classes in England! Join the @EducEndowFoundn trial of the @onebillion maths apps today! htt…
Congratulations to the Head & staff at @WalthamstoWSFG for being selected for top roles supporting other schools
Want to improve your knowledge/skills around autism? Book onto @WhitefieldNews Autism Education Trust programme